Sella & Ro

~Inspire Yourself First~


Travel & Experiences Blog


Paths to Inspire

Explore Sella&Ro offerings in art, travel experiences and financial literacy to grow and inspire yourself.


Explore Sella & Ro's original art pieces, from photography to canvas. We are adding new pieces to the store.

Travel & Life Experiences

Discover fun experiences with escapes via travel and local experiences. Stay updated with the Inspired Blog. (Coming Soon)

Grow with Sella&Ro and secure finances.

  • Credit Restoration Services

  • Budgeting

  • Opportunity to Pay it Forward

Financial Education

Sella&Ro's Story

Welcome to the world of Sella & Ro! We dedicate ourselves to inspiring self-improvement in everyone. The brand Sella & Ro stands for Sarah Ella and Rosara. My grandmother, Sarah Ella, was very close to me. Her passing didn't end her inspiring me. She gave up her youthful ambition of getting a teaching degree to spare her parents financial hardship. However, my career choice in education thrilled Grandma. Sadly, she died just before I began my first professional teaching position.

Grandma loved film and music despite her quiet nature and displayed artistic talent. After her death, we discovered hand-drawn cards she'd send to friends, unworn jewelry, and creative touches on her dining china, figurines, and artwork.

Although I enjoy teaching children, I realized the importance of maintaining a work-life balance. I considered what motivates me, apart from God. Creating art, traveling, and immersing myself in new experiences bring me joy. I strive to support others' growth via spiritual, academic, and financial education. This is the origin of Sella & Ro.

Discover, explore, and expand yourself with my art, travel, lifestyle items, and financial services. At Sella & Ro, purchase my created Art/Lifestyle pieces inspired by my travels and experiences, or sign up for financial services to inspire your future.

When our world is crazy, we must seek inspiration and humor in every aspect of life.

Inspire Yourself First,


Seek inspiration and humor in every aspect of life.
